Devayan's Animism

In the archipelago region, there is the Devayan tribe in the southern part of Simeulue Island. The language is used especially by the residents of Simeulue. Rice farming activities there are coordinated by a traditional institution known as Jurun Belang & the person who organizes, plans & carries out this task is called harie.

According to Mahmud Ibrahim, the oldest residents came from Old Malay and moved to Sumamah, then to Serbajadi, Lingga, Nosar & Isaq via the Penarun River. This region is also the entrance & exit from the Strait of Malacca to the Indian Ocean. In an expedition, Zheng He brought back various awards & envoys from more than 30 Kingdoms including King Alagonakkara from Sri Lanka, who came to China to apologize to the King of China via this island.

In the beginning, there was a group of humans who moved from one realm to another, and they also encountered native humans in Indonesia & this group of humans is called the origin of the Malay Mongoliden. As a result of our search on Jeret Terbang's tombstone, there is writing on the head that has almost been eroded by age, so we assume the writing is more in Syriac script which comes from Ancient Egypt. In the Koran, the place where Noah's ship was stranded was on Judi Hill & there is an opinion that Judi Hill is located in Armenia to the south on the border with Mesopotamia it is also possible that Judi Hill is on Linge Hill where Jeret Terbang is.

The beliefs of this tribe, starting from King Linge I named Genali in pre-Islamic times, adhered to animism, especially in the Neolithic era, namely the new stone age which was contemporaneous with the agricultural era, characterized by the fact that they had produced a lot of pottery in various containers such as jugs, gourds for storing water, a water container resembling a stoneware basin, etc. In the past, this tribe had animism, this is their belief in the relationship between humans and spirits who are considered to have, control/power in this universe. This society is a society that is very attached to the customs & beliefs, traditions, and culture of Hindu teachings, which are always inseparable from daily practice with elements of belief in large wooden trees such as banyan & ketapang trees, as well as objects that can be believed to have magical powers of animism & dynamism.

This animistic belief remained influential until Islam came to the Linge area around 375 AH / 986 AD. History has recorded that this region was the first Islamic Kingdom in Southeast Asia in the 16th & 17th centuries AD. On the inauguration day when the Islamic Kingdom was built, the island's port was renamed Bandar Khalifah as a memory of the Captain of Bandar Kalifah who first brought the teachings of Islam to this island.

The Sultan welcomed their good intentions by sending a group of envoys to the Netherlands. Initially, the Islamic Kingdom on this island came from Arab traders who stopped in Perlak, East Aceh, and then settled in this area. The palace is called Darud Donya Palace, which can accommodate 300 elephants.

The Sultan's relative, Sultan Muhammad Dawud Syah was crowned as Sultan at the Indra Puri Mosque. This Kingdom has used Islam as the Kingdom's religion, this has been proven to have a Kingdom flag which is inscribed with the shahada & in its 4 corners are written the four Rashidun caliphs, namely Abubakar Siddiq, Umar bin Khattab, Usman bin Affan, and Ali bin Abi Talib. At that time all these people converted to Islam who previously adhered to animism.

Even though most of them embrace Islam, many are still influenced by animist beliefs & various kinds of protection through supernatural powers, which rely on/fulfill the demands of spirits, good and evil spirits. They also still believe that the spirits of people who have died in very scary circumstances such as being murdered, bleeding to death, drowning, falling from trees, etc. In everyday life, people also believe that evil people during their lifetime & when they die, their spirits will incarnate in the form of pigs/monkeys that come out of their graves.

According to beliefs regarding the last Wednesday of the month of Safar, the purpose of this practice is to ward off evil spirits, according to local people's understanding that they can destroy local people. It is understood that the arrival of Islam in this country could not quickly change these people from the influence of animism. However, the Islamic religion has been passed down from one's ancestors, so when one is born one will automatically become a Muslim, because one's parents became Muslims first.

In history and civilization, this island has been accustomed to and has always faced upheavals & rebellions that have been very long and protracted until now it can show several destructions such as resistance to Dutch rule & Japanese occupation. This island is very similar to the prosperous country of Saba, the similarity is seen in terms of its beautiful natural potential, suitable for an agronomic area, both as a producer of fruit & vegetables as well as an agronomic industry that produces export value beverage and food products, such as canned drinks, soy sauce & nuts. In 1912, some of them founded Islamic boarding schools, for example, the Gele Gantung Islamic Boarding School, and the Pasir Islamic Boarding School, there were also PI, Tarbiyah & others.

Each prayer room is filled with congregational prayers, and there are recitations for both men and women, usually, the recitation for the men is held every Friday night, while the recitation for the women is held every Friday afternoon. Moreover, in the holy month of Ramadan in all mosques, the prayer room really becomes the center of Islamic worship & culture, including as a place to provide education, so the mosque is used as a place of worship such as carrying out the 5 daily obligatory prayers, tarawih prayers, a place to collect zakat, donations, and sadaqah. Typically, with the opening of the Arun LNG liquefied natural gas processing industrial section, in the Lhokseumawe area in 1974, there was also a large refinery.

Jalaluddin's reference is Law No. 3 of 1998 concerning the APBN which was later revised. However, because this sector has been divided even though the parts have nothing in common with Law No. 22 / 1999. Getting income worth IDR 8.6 trillion in GRDP in 2000, which is in first place, followed by the industrial sector with IDR 4.7 trillion. trillion.

Unfortunately, several fishermen in Teluk Dalam District complain that the selling price of marine products has dropped drastically compared to the prices of basic necessities, which are currently increasing in price.


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