To Garibo's Animism
This proverb is very appropriate for describing indigenous peoples in Indonesia. Legal expert Satjipto Rahardjo mentioned several requirements in Article 18B paragraph 2 of the 1945 Constitution as a form of hegemonic state power that determines the existence or absence of indigenous peoples. The birth of the Constitutional Court decision no. 35 of 2012 is the basis for the recognition, protection & empowerment of the sovereignty of indigenous peoples in managing their forests. It explicitly mandates that customary forest management can be carried out by indigenous peoples and their existence is no longer in state forest areas. The change in leadership of aMaN Maluku affected the organization's performance in assisting the Nuaulu tribe in Central Maluku for a while. Meanwhile, aMaN Riau at that phase experienced internal challenges, in addition to external factors in the form of a political map in the local government, which influenced the assistance program for the Talang Mama...