
Showing posts from February, 2014

Pesisir's Animism

Islam is thought to have entered through the east coast area, although there are assumptions from the west coast, especially in the Pariaman area, the Arcat and Inderagiri areas on the east coast have also become Minangkabau port areas & the Kampar River and Batang Kuantan have their origins in the Minangkabau inland area. The arrival of the Pesisir Tribe to Barus caused the ousting of Tamil traders who had traded in the city for hundreds of years before. The next wave was a group led by Sultan Ibrahimsyah who came from the South Coast. The Dutch East Indies government employed many of them to fill teaching and government positions. Pesisir / Pasisi means the area on the edge of the ocean. The name Pesisir Tribe for this group was never known until the 20th century. In the 2000 population census, the Pesisir people were classified as a separate ethnicity that was different from the Batak. In its development, the term Pesisir Tribe was used more to emphasize the political interests ...

Serba Sukma

The Melayu Deli area is close to Singapore which is famous as a trade center. This mountain range reaches the Sunda Strait region. The Kembaren clan then founded a kingdom known as the Balun Aru Kingdom in 1200 - 1608 AD. In the Kembaren Library, the Kembaren clan is said to originate from Pagaruyung in Minangkabau Land. Aru had a slave market called Arqat. In his report, Tome Pires also described the greatness of the Aru Kingdom's naval fleet which was able to control ship traffic through the Malacca Strait at that time. Groeneveldt emphasized that the location of the Aru Kingdom was approximately at the mouth of the Barumun River & Gilles stated that it was near Belawan. Although the detailed existence of the Aru Kingdom has not been fully revealed, Luckman Sinar in the book Sari Sejarah Serdang notes that the name Aru first appeared in 1282 in Chinese records during the leadership of Kublai Khan. In 1350, the Hindu-style Majapahit Kingdom conquered this kingdom. According to...

Siladang's Animism

North Sumatra is a multiethnic province with the Batak Siladang as one of the original inhabitants of this region. The beginning formation of this tribe was from their ancestors who came from the Sibinail area in Muara Sipongi, there lived 2 tribal groups called the Ulu & Lubu tribes, who lived in the inland area around Muara Sipongi. This tribal village is located in Sipagapaga village, Panyabungan district. The village is only dozens of kilometers from the government center of Madina Regency. The religion adhered to is Hinduism which is animist. In 1891 a census tabulated their number at 2033. In 1978, Manurung reported that generally the population was still very simple in life, still transitional & semi-closed, and the roads were very difficult to traverse as a result of which there was very little contact with the outside world. In the 1945 Constitution, Chapter 15 article 36 paragraph 2 it is mandated that regional languages ​​about the position of Indonesian are one ...

Pakpak's Sipelebegu

The word character comes from the Greek chrassein, which means making sharp/making deep. The characteristic of the religions adhered to by Sidikalang residents, namely Christianity 74.70%, Islam 24.70%, Buddhism 0.55%, Hinduism 0.03%, Confucianism 0.01% & sects 0.01%. Regarding the description of the Batak Pakpak community, it is known that in the past this community adhered to animism with a burial system by burning the corpse and then placing the ashes in a stone grave called perabuen. This position is usually chosen to place a memorial in the form of a collection of statues, stone coffins/graves & other stone artifacts as a tribute to the ancestors of a particular clan. After 5 years, the grave was excavated and the body burned with a traditional ceremony. All of this was recorded in collective memory & continued into the future, including the arrival of imported religions, such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam & Christianity.  In German, history has the same me...


The history of the Rangkuti & Pulungan clan states that the origin of the Batak Mandailing tribe is from the lower reaches of the Batang Gadis River. This is also based on the history of the clan in this tribe which relates the life of their ancestors to this river. The Kingdom's territory stretched from Portibi to Panyabungan. Together with Sutan Puasa, they were involved in the Klang War between 1866-1873. In the mid-19th century, the Dutch established defensive forts at Singengu & Kotanopan. Some other people have migrated to Riau, to the Malay Peninsula. A small portion of this ethnic group also lives in Selangor & Perak, Peninsular Malaysia. They were once under the influence of the Padri from Minangkabau, so culturally this ethnic group was influenced by Islamic religious culture. Like the majority of Indonesian people, this ethnic group adheres to the Syafii school of thought. Before getting to know Islam, this tribe already had a belief known as the animist / Pe...


Based on the 2010 Indonesian Population Census of 12,930,319 registered residents, the majority of the population of North Sumatra is Batak, namely 44.75%, including all Batak sub-tribes, including Simalungun. The Southern family consists of its languages. The shape of the traditional house in this area is similar to the Batak Toba traditional house. The Batak people, generally this tribe, have a variety of special foods made from pork. According to several studies, the use of ulos by the Batak tribe shows similarities with the Karen people on the borders of Myanmar, Thailand & Laos, especially in their headbands, cloth, and ulos. This tribe has a musical instrument called the gondang which is usually played during traditional ceremonies at weddings, deaths, etc. The original clan of the population is Damanik & 3 immigrant clan, namely Saragih, Sinaga, and Purba. Sinaga means simada naga, where the dragon in God's mythology is known as the cause of earthquakes and landslide...


Christianity is especially adhered to by some Angkola and Chinese. Angkola can be interpreted as a region, territory/region. Led by a resident with the central government being Padangsidimpuan. Previously in Mandailing Natal. It is estimated that it has existed since 9000 years BC. This is proven by the existence of kingdoms such as Sabungan, Batunadua, Sipirok / Parau Sorat, Siala Gundi, Muara Tais, surrounding Batang Toru, Batarawisnu, Mandalasena etc. It is said that there are 16 temples in Portibi and now only 5 remain. Among the five temples, 3 of them are called Bahal I, II, III. This is evidence of contact with India & Java. Animism is one of the oldest beliefs ever held by humans. Animism is one of the oldest beliefs held by humans since primitive times. Belief in spirits is called animism. The meaning of the word animism comes from the Latin anima which means spirit. The name animism comes from Latin based on the word anima which means spirit. The beginning of the theory o...


The majority of Karo people adhere to Protestant Christianity, Catholic Christianity, Islam & Pemena. Generally, followers of the Pemena religion live in villages near/at the foot of Mount Sinabung. Pemena is the traditional belief/religion of the Batak Karo people. Pemena, in the Batak Karo language, means first/initial. The Batak Karo people believe that everything that exists in this world, both what can be seen and what cannot be seen, is Dibata's creation. Everything that can be seen according to the Karo people is the work of Dibata, with differences between Dibata Siidah & Dibata Sila Idah. Dibata Siidah pointed to Kalimbubu. Apart from that, there are 2 believed elements of strength, namely Sindar Mataniari & Si Beru Dayang. Si Beru Dayang is a female spirit who lives on the moon. Belonging to the animist belief system, most Pemena adherents are warriors from Tanah Karo. Likewise, the Karo traditional ceremony is carried out by the Tengger Community to implement...

Fanomba Adu

It is estimated that the Nias tribe came from Taiwan via the Philippines 4,000 - 5,000 years ago. Archaeological research on the stone tools shows that the humans who occupied this tribal cave came from 12,000 years ago. In 2000, there were around 770,000 speakers of the language. The majority of them are Protestant Christians while the others are Muslim, Catholic, Buddhist & Fanomba Adu. At least according to the facts around 1967. This last belief system is the name given by outsiders. This tribe is generally better known for its animist belief system. Which is a belief system that comes from their ancestors. Ancestors are the most respected, especially after their death. Animism is characterized by the belief in the existence of the spirits of people who have died. Animism believes that relatives & people who have died are still around their relatives. Those who previously adhered to animism also asked for protection from spirits to protect living humans. Apart from that, an...

Batak's Sipelebegu

Indonesia is a large country with an area of ​​5,193,250 km2 consisting of many islands, including Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, Maluku & many more. Batak is a tribal group that inhabits most of North Sumatra. Batak Toba is one of the Batak ethnic groups originating from this province. Batak Toba does not have to live in the Toba geographical area, even though their origins are Toba. For example, the majority of the indigenous population of Silindung are the Hutabarat, Panggabean, Simorangkir, Hutagalung, Hutapea & Lumbantobing clans. Likewise, the Nasution clan, which mostly lives in the Padangsidimpuan area, is related to the Siahaan clan in Balige, of course these two clans are descended from the same ancestor. Ugamo Sipelebegu is the religion of this tribe before the arrival of Islam & Christianity to Batak land. The belief in the spirits of the dead which is also called Sipelebegu , means people who worship & give offerings to spirits. Pele is giving food/honorin...